Compression Therapy

Benefits of Compression Therapy


Recover Faster - It's what the pros use!

- Reduces inflammation and decreases water accumulation
- Aids in the removal of toxins like lactic acid
- Improves Circulation
- Immediate relief for “heavy legs”
- Helps avoid the development of cellulite
- Prevention/elimination of first-stage varicose
- Strengthens loose skin (due to pregnancy/obesity)

Our Normatec Recovery System:


How Does it work?

The NormaTec Recovery System helps maximize recovery for both athletes and non-athletes. Using Sequential Pulse Technology, NormaTec synergistically combines three distinct massage techniques to speed the body’s normal recovery process: pulsing compression, gradients, and distal release. Through these mechanisms, the NormaTec Recovery System maximizes circulation throughout the body to help you look better, train harder, and recover faster.